lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013



8 . - MATRIX 8 - Forgive yourself IN writing, RETROSPECTION

As I will attend practical methods to assist you in this world.
What is the most common situation in this world :
money, survival , relationships, and it all starts in your thoughts , emotions, desires and fears.
So your thoughts, clear your thoughts, not who you are.
Obviously your thoughts are derived from a mind consciousness system within you.
Many questions one asks .
 But why we can not get the system ?
Because if we take literally all your human physical body at this time would collapse entirely .
Because you fused yourself with this system to the extent that if we removed it would be out , in other words you would die .
And also because it is a process and all human beings are in this process together.
And not only you but also dimensional beings .
In other words what I'm saying in terms of practical application that is required, we are applying as do you.
Not only do we stand behind saying, you know now do this and do that.
No, it is not:
Because we are all , I am in you and you are in me .
It is a realization that we need to rid ourselves of me completely and you become like you, and walk this with you , and me completely .
So we are all One and this is very interesting and wonderful.
Turning to thoughts , start with thoughts. First you are aware of what you think , really , if you sit at night and see your retrospection and prospection during the day , WHEN RECALLING the event during the day you will notice that the thoughts are exactly 100% the same as you where thinking during the day.
My suggestion would be first : the first would be through your day, but be aware of your thoughts , your emotions , desires and fears.
Now the first suggestion would be to get comfortable at night in your bed and write . Write , see your day in retrospect and prospect, from morning until night and then look specially at the  moments that you recall,
you had a specific thought as experienced emotions, desires or fears .
I guarantee , you will remember ,
because in essence you are conscious all day.

Only human beings not admit to themselves and do not really want to.
So remember specific times, this would be my first suggestion .
What you do is observe the thoughts you had at the time. See what you have experienced in that time and then apply self-forgiveness .
But this forgiveness has to be applied in an extremely specific .
It's like you will capture a moment, as if you took a picture of it , of an experience you had during the day.
So take the time you've actually captured .
When you sit in your bed at night because remember exactly . Remember exactly , I guarantee it .
And then after you've applied the self-forgiveness , every point . You have to apply self-forgiveness for the thoughts you had . You have to apply forgiveness for everything I've experienced according to emotions, desires and fears within.
You have to forgive the person , event that occurred at that time.
Then you also have to forgive yourself , that you did not stop at that time.
And really apply self forgiveness at the time, and then continue .
And I'm writing about this to be more specific on exactly how specific you have to make the pardon of yourself because if you just forget a point in time when you experienced remain .
Because there yet exists within you as a memory to which you cling , which you used to define yourself in the future.
Then you will also be able to become more aware during your day. What is to be aware ?
I'm making you aware at this time to tell you what are the thoughts , what are the emotions , which are the desires and fears .
Now you are aware of them .
Now in this awareness , you have to apply in terms of when you see a thought comes : forgive .
No matter who tries thinking, no matter good or bad.
Both have to be forgiven , it is a thought, a thought is a thought.
And a thought is not who you are.
It is a system development mind awareness .
And then also you got to the point where you see the thought come and not have any reaction to thoughts.
That 's what you remember. The Non-Identifying with the thought
If you have any reaction to the thought , which would also be a process, because as it is know, you have a thought and you get into guilt and then walk into emotions, desires and fear.
Then do not worry.
Just forgive yourself , the guilt , the fear of which had a thought and then forgive that thought too.
But soon you will realize that you will see these thoughts floating around and not have any reaction .
They are like small things that are strange things , wandering .
All you do is delete a magical pass .
The participation is very interesting thoughts because thoughts afloat draw curiosity, you know, like you see emerging thinking and just want to follow , because it seems so interesting and then there you go .
So be careful at the time, because as you up as a complete dimensional change as you change for a moment and then you're up there : in your mind somewhere.
And then something brings you back and then you're here.
Now do this for yourself when you see a thought comes : Stop them immediately .
There is like an addiction .
It's an addiction , you will experience as if it were an addiction that you want to follow that thought
 " I have to follow that thought"
" I have to know what it is that thought , it must be important."
It's not.
If you are not present, if you do not breathe and all that there 's you and your space where you are in this world in this world problem.
Then you are on your mind , you are somewhere there and you're feeding all this mind consciousness system within you.
So for every thought , please , do not matter, as an experiment for you.
What I suggest you do, if you is: follow your thoughts but do it at night when you're in your bed , keep your thoughts and you will notice an interesting thing : your thoughts always lead you to exactly the same place .
It's a thought that goes from one place to another , you just proves that.
And also the experience you get when you see your thoughts, observe your thoughts .
So for a moment , try this , just for yourself so you can see that thoughts take you exactly to the same point , always, and is very limited.
And always have the same thoughts , you WILL notice that thoughts are exactly the same .

September 2013 , Year second in the new time spiral 

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